
Showing posts from July, 2020

4 treasured intraday trading tips

  If you are one of those people who want to make money from money and rather quickly, then intrading trading strategies can help you achieve your dream. But automated trading isn't a piece of cake. Given how high the stakes are, you need to keep in mind some tips that can help you get success on the stock exchange. Volume of trading As an intraday trader, you buy and sell stocks on the same day, without taking deliveries. Hence, one of the most influential factors in determining your success as a trader are the trading volumes. Since people are trying to buy low and sell high, most of the traders are solely focused on stock prices. But trade volumes play just as important a role in increasing your profit. You can sell not very high, but if you sell enough, you'd be able to reap that profit. Oftentimes, it is easier to sell in large volume than at high stock price. Don't be impulsive This is why you should always set your entry and exit prices. People are often swi

Algorithmic Trading in India and the scope for retail investors

  After making a lot of money for investors in the Western countries, automated trading came to India on April 3rd 2008, when the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI), introduced algorithmic trading by allowing Direct Market Access facility to institutional clients. To put in simple terms, Digital Market Access (or DMA as it is usually referred to as) allows the brokers to provide their infrastructure to clients without them having to interrupt them in any way. At the time when algo trading strategies were introduced in the country, they were only allowed for institutional clients and not retail traders. According to a report by Economic Times, the automated trading business is pegged to grow from $11.1 billion in 2019 to $18.8 billion in 2024 at a robust CAGR of 11.1%. The advent of automated trading in India that makes use of intraday trading strategies has marked the beginning of an era of growth and expansion for a lot of businesses. This is why there is a lot of inc

5 intraday trading tips that can maximize your profits

 Intraday trading strategies are used by investors to conduct trades on a day to day basis. As a consequence, itraday traders are prone to a higher volatility as compared to the long-term investors. But if you have the correct knowledge, you can reap serious profits whilst doing automated trading. . If you are starting off into this new domain of trading, it's natural that you would want to learn tricks of the trade. However, you should keep in mind that merely tricks and tips wouldn't do the job as you need good intraday trading strategies as well to maek the most of your experience at the intraday trading market. Let's take a look at some of the guidelines that you should follow in order to maximimze your profits and minimize your losses. Go for liquid stocks You must be well aware of the fact that intraday trading encapsulates the idea of buying and selling stocks on the same day. But you must also keep in mind that for the exchange to execute these orders, there